A longer bio

I'm a first year Computer Science student who is currently working at a local ISP. It's exhausting, but I've been managing to do both so far. My job involves, among other things, provisioning and configuring new customer equipment placed by the ISP's technicians, who also call me and my team to solve trickier situations, so things can get quite technical at times.

This ISP job is my first job. Before entering University, I finished a high school that also provided me a technical electronics course.


My interests involve both retro and current tech, electronics, programming, networking and music(listening, I don't play any instrument). Programming projects and the music I'm currently listening to can be found at the navbar on top of every page.

Languages and frameworks

These include: C, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Avalonia, Laravel and Vue.js. I'm self-taught at everything except C, which I'm learning in University.